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AnyDesk scores €6.5M for its remote desktop software
AnyDesk, a startup that offers remote desktop software powered by a bespoke video codec, has scored €6.5 million in Series A funding. Leading the round is EQT Ventures, with participation from angel investors, including Chris Hitchen, and previous backer Andreas Burike. (Fonte: TechCrunch)

Elettronica di consumo, arrivano in Italia Xiaomi e Meizu
Finora i loro device e la loro elettronica di consumo erano acquistabili quasi esclusivamente solo online e in molti casi dovevano arrivare direttamente dalla Cina, con aggravi di costi doganali e, spesso, lunghe attese.In questi giorni, Xiaomi e Meizu, due delle più grandi aziende cinesi di elettronica, sbarcano direttamente in Italia, offrendo i loro prodotti nelle grandi catene di distribuzione o, per quanto riguarda soprattutto gli smartphone, nei negozi dei gestori di telefonia mobile. (Fonte: Retail Institute Italy)

Apple’s self-driving car fleet grows to 55 in California
Apple now has 55 self-driving cars registered with the California Department of Motor Vehicles, compared to 27 earlier this year and just three last year. That means Apple has the second largest fleet of self-driving cars in California, Mac Reports first pointed out. (Fonte: TechCrunch)


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