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VMware announces intent to buy Avi Networks, startup that raised $115M
VMware has been trying to reinvent itself from a company that helps you build and manage virtual machines in your data center to one that helps you manage your virtual machines wherever they live, whether that’s on prem or the public cloud. Today, the company announced it was buying Avi Networks, a six-year-old startup that helps companies balance application delivery in the cloud or on prem in an acquisition that sounds like a pretty good match. The companies did not reveal the purchase price. (Fonte: TechCrunch)

Al via la piattaforma collaborativa per le applicazioni blockchain nelle assicurazioni
Una piattaforma collaborativa, in formato “sandbox”, per comprendere in che modo la digitalizzazione e la tecnologia blockchain possano contribuire all’evoluzione del mercato assicurativo, in particolare alla diffusione di polizze smart e istantanee. È questo l’obiettivo di un progetto di “insurance blockchain sandbox” avviato da Cetif-Università Cattolica e Reply che mette insieme un gruppo di banche e compagnie assicurative, sotto la guida di Aon Reinsurance Solutions. (Fonte: Il Sole 24 Ore)

UK government invests $194M to commercialize quantum computing
The UK government today announced a £153 million investment into efforts to commercialize quantum computing. That’s about $193 million and with additional commitments from numerous industry players, that number goes up to over $440 million. With this, the UK’s National Quantum Technologies Programme has now passed £1 billion (or about $1.27 billion) in investments since its inception in 2014. (Fonte: TechCrunch)


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