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Alibaba to help Salesforce localize and sell in China
Salesforce the 20-year-old leader in customer relationship management (CRM) tools, is making a foray into Asia by working with one of the country’s largest tech firms, Alibaba. Alibaba will be the exclusive provider of Salesforce to enterprise customers in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, and Salesforce will become the exclusive enterprise CRM software suite sold by Alibaba, the companies announced on Thursday. (Fonte: TechCrunch)

Toyota invests $600 million in Didi, with the two setting up a new joint venture for driver services
Didi Chuxing announced today that it has received new investment totaling $600 million from Toyota Motor Corporation. As part of the deal, the two companies will also set up a joint venture with GAC Toyota Motor to provide vehicle-related services to drivers on Didi’s ride-sharing platform. GAC Toyota itself is a joint venture between Toyota and GAC Group, one of China’s largest automakers. Nikkei Asian Review first broke news of the deal at the end of May, reporting that Toyota was considering a $550 million investment in Didi and setting up a new mobility-services company in China. (Fonte: TechCrunch)

Big Tech, antitrust Usa apre una grande inchiesta su Facebook, Google, Amazon e Apple
Il Dipartimento della Giustizia americano ha aperto una vasta e formale inchiesta antitrust nei confronti di Big Tech. L’obiettivo è stabilire se le pratiche di colossi del calibro di Facebook, Alphabet, Amazon e Apple danneggino la concorrenza. L’offensiva federale potrebbe aumentare esponenzialmente le già forti pressioni per maggiore trasparenza e nuove regolamentazioni del settore, progressivamente intensificatesi negli Stati Uniti come in Europa. (Fonte: Il Sole 24 Ore)


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