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Instagram co-founders resign in latest Facebook executive exit
Instagram on Monday said co-founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger have resigned as chief executive officer and chief technical officer of the photo-sharing app owned by Facebook Inc, giving scant explanation for the move. The departures at Facebook’s fastest-growing revenue generator come just months after the exit of Jan Koum, co-founder of Facebook-owned messaging app WhatsApp, leaving the social network without the developers behind two of its biggest services. (Fonte: Reuters)

Arriva l’assistente vocale di Salesforce. Anche l’impresa si guida con voce
La voce sarà davvero la nuova interfaccia per governare i processi della propria azienda? In Silicon Valley sembrano tutti convinti. Come anticipato su Nova24 anche Salesforce avrà il proprio assistente vocale. Si chiama Einstein Voice vuole rendere possibile interrogare la piattaforma di Crm con il linguaggio naturale. Einstein si aggiunge a una nuova generazione di assistenti vocali per il business. Rispetto ai noti Siri, Cortana, Alexa o Google Assistant esistono infatti anche assistenti professionali da usare esclusivamente o quasi sul posto di lavoro. (Fonte: Il Sole 24 Ore)

Qualcomm doubles down on claims that Apple stole chip secrets for Intel
If you happen to crack open that fancy little iPhone XS casing on your new phone, you’ll notice there’s a dwindling amount of Qualcomm chips in there and that they’re increasingly being replaced by Intel hardware. The swap is representative of the cooling state of affairs between the two as the companies’ legal teams battle over Apple’s  refusal to pay royalties that Qualcomm claims it is owed. Today, Qualcomm doubled down on its claims that Apple was stealing chip secrets from Qualcomm tech and feeding it to Intel engineers. (Fonte: TechCrunch)


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